It’s OUR Party…

The first story on our site was going to be something way better than this but I feel like I need to say something. So here we are. WE ARE THE RUN CULTURE. There is no company or brand that is bigger than us! I have nothing against anyone posting the Runners World  “We deserve the covers” posts because it would be amazing if they woke up tomorrow and realized their ultra white covers were a problem. But to me, they have done a very good job of showing us what it is and I’m not one to sit around and wait for my invitation to the party. I’m the kind of fella who creates his own party, invites everyone I want then sits back and watches everyone who didn’t invite me to their parties look like an idiot with that “Man we should have invited him to our party!” face on. A tad petty, but I am who I am.

Anyway, along with the amazing times I’ve had running and racing I’ve had an equal amount of amazing times cheering and celebrating at races. Specifically Miles 21(ish) in NYC thanks to WRU Crew and the 3Run2 cheer section for the Chicago Marathon. I’m no veteran when it comes to this run thing but I know I’ve watched Runstars (that’s my term, don’t steal it) like Josh, Hec, Brodie, Knox, Sid and plenty of others, use running to create so much. We have all taken this past time and made it into something way more than that so I REFUSE to let any magazine or any brand try and control any narratives.

So here we go folks. This blog will act as a space for us runners who really make this thing go round. I’ve had a goal since day one to allow folks to share their stories and there’s no better time than now to begin the sharing. This will be our party. Your seat is here and it’s waiting for you whenever you’d like it. Oh, and you get a plus 1. So tell a friend who can then tell a friend. This is OUR party.


Crazy Always Wins…